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July 06, 2004
Independence Day Sucks, Wendy's Sucks, Everything Sucks
Night before last, Alex wanted to go see a professional fireworks display somewhere big, so that her clan and everyone could socialize and whatnot. We decided to go to the city display at Balloon Fiesta Park because of all the buzzing and chattering about how much money they were spending on the fireworks ($35,000, IIRC).
So we left at about 9, which meant we spent about 50 hellish minutes driving in. So then we walked in and stood near the edge of the park when the fireworks started. Just after the second or so burst, someone in a motorized wheelchair went skirting past and had it flip over, so we got the treat of seeing the crowds cheering at the pretty on the left and a poor old person unable to get up on the right, for a moment until a couple people jumped up and went over to help.
The fireworks themselves were quite nice. After a big burst, everyone around us stood up and slapped their lawn chairs together and started running towards the exit, and slowly it dawned on us that the event was over 15 minutes after getting there. Alex had proposed leaving early to get a jump on the traffic, but that plan was clearly out of the question as we saw the red-light molasses slowly drifting out the main exit.
We decided to hang out, so we spent an hour at the park before trying to leave. Leaving at 11:15 meant that it only took 15 minutes to get out, but I was zonked and annoyed. On the way home from the parent's place I saw a homeless guy sleeping on the bus stop bench. All the problems made me feel like the celebration was misplaced. “Yaaaay! We're all a bunch of lame fucksacks with no concern for fellow human beings! But we love pretty colors!”
Yesterday for lunch I wound up going to Wendy's and waiting in line for 30 minutes. So it's just been kind of a wait-in-line-forever kind of week.
In the evening at work we wound up getting yelled at by a fat 'n ugly security guard who wanted us to leave by 6 and “why can't you people get it through your heads.” Michael dealt with it about like I would, by explaining that we pay for it and if he has a problem with it he can go talk to his supervisor about it; he'll meet with whoever, it doesn't matter, we pay for it and fuck anyone who has a problem with it. I'm annoyed at the guard for yelling at us, if anything comes of it I hope Michael emphasizes the incredible rudeness of having your guard yell at your tenents and this grody fucksack gets fired. There's a Sikh temple down the road, why can't we have your standard Sikh security guards? Those guys wouldn't raise their voice if you were violating a puppy (though you'd be violated pretty well yourself).
Bill took his girlfriend Talia and myself out to eat at a place called Cowgirl's. I had a game burger which had about 3 different types of meat in it, it was very good. Then we saw a Japanese import movie named something like “100 Monsters,” which had great atmosphere and theme, but (being from the 70's) was somewhat lacking in terms of special effects. I would never let that kill my appreciation of a movie, especially when it can't be helped, so I guess I can say I recommend it.
Work is still excellent; I wound up getting to write AppleScript and REALbasic yesterday. Michael gave me another two projects to work on. I can see why he is having trouble getting things done—there's so much work to be done, and all in different places. Today should be interesting as well.
Posted by FusionGyro at July 6, 2004 01:33 PM