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September 26, 2004

Blog Stuff

I’ve enabled something called Gravatar on the blog. It’s another interesting technology designed to give people not using LiveJournal certain LiveJournal-like abilities; in this case it lets commenters have the same icon regardless of the site or software the blog is running on. I figured it sounded neat like TypeKey, so I went ahead and installed the plugin. The practical effect is that if you comment on my blog and haven’t registered a user icon (I’m sorry, Globally Recognized Avatar), you get Bob Dobbs instead. When they decide to sue me, I’ll make it my original thought, a text icon that just says:

i am lame
i have no icon
please forgive


I also worked on Alex’s LiveJournal a bit. I should post what I’ve done with the MTKeyValue plugin, because it’s interesting, and it lets her have (some, hacky) LJ functionality which she desires on the new MT blog. A “STACY” review should be forthcoming as well. Oh, and I finally copied all three of my album reviews from (ugly) musical_elitist. This is only really interesting because two of the three predate blogging for me.

Posted by FusionGyro at September 26, 2004 04:27 AM

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